My name is Kaya. In Sanskrit, “kāya” means body, and bodies are gateways to our souls. The human body is also a conduit for Source. Just as everything in nature exists in both material and subtle forms, our bodies are composed of the same elements and contain that same life force energy.
I’ve been walking the path of a multidimensional intuitive, and it is through my body that I’ve learned about the universal forces and how to work with them. With the field that is created during my sessions, people’s blockages and shadows become illuminated. In the space that I hold, people can alchemise what has been revealed. Often, in my presence, individuals are able to connect with their subconscious,
allowing their shadows to come to the surface.
The two biggest themes in my life have been death and rebirth—i.e. transformation. I experienced my first profound transformation in 2014 upon returning from my initial trip to India. My body had been worn out by my lifestyle, and chronic illnesses such as candida overgrowth and fatigue. What I consumed daily led to a buildup of toxins in my system. After my trip to India, I went through a physical detox that also triggered an emotional and mental detox. Naturally, I stopped eating meat and broke free from my addiction to white sugar. These experiences further connected me to my continuous work with containing life’s polarities.
However, before delving into energy work and the quantum field, I journeyed through the culinary world with the guidance of esteemed Slovenian chefs, including Bine Volcic, Uros Stefelin, the owner of Hisa Linhart, a Michelin star restaurant and
Ana Ros, the owner of Hisa Franko, a three Michelin star restaurant.
In 2013, I made my debut to the Slovenian public as a participant in the reality show ”Gostilna isce sefa” (A Restaurant Looking for a Chef), where my authenticity helped me achieve a high-ranking second place. The positive impressions I left on both the audience and producers of the show, led to my role as a food producer on “MasterChef Slovenia” during seasons 1 and 3. In 2018 I relocated to Berlin where I honed my culinary expertise. I had a privilege to collaborate with Chef Dalad Kambhu at Kin Dee. During my time in Berlin, among other roles, I also served as a member of the bakery team at Five Elephant. Following this experience I relocated to Cyprus to continue working as a private Chef for the founders of a multinational video game developing company. My culinary journey has seen me play various roles, including photographer, author, and editor, for a few cookbooks. Among the titles are Paradajz: velika knjiga receptov s paradiznikom Lust (Tomato: The Big Book of Recipes with Lust Tomatoes, 2016) and The Honey Book: Cooking with Honey (2019). Additionally,
I authored and photographed the plant-based cookbook Healthy Food Made Good (2020).
At the beginning of 2020 I entered a period of the dark night of the soul which lasted for about half a year. This experience initiated me into my current shamanic work of clearing entities. By the end of 2020 I found myself burnt out. It was in 2021 that I began my journey of transformation from the body up. During this period, for a year and a half, I saw a Jungian psychotherapist and realized that addressing my mental and emotional health was only part of the journey. I noticed that, in certain situations, I was still caught in the same cycles and patterns. I knew that I needed to work with the body rather than just the mind, as the body stores past memories in our cells. This realisation led me to intuitively start working on expanding my natural gifts. I took a class in spiritual mediumship where I uncovered my gifts of clairsentience and claircognizance. I did a certification for Integral Transformational Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga teacher and did a Shamanic Astrology intensive beginner course. In 2022, I completed the De-Armouring Training Level One with Sunny Ju, where I experienced a spontaneous awakening.
This awakening marked the beginning of my journey as the new synthesis in the world. Following De-Armouring training, I birthed the Golden Quantum Attunement method - a vibrational quantum technology that works on the chakras by utilizing different colours of rays, circular motion, and flow to activate the body and cells. This awakening spontaneously unlocked my ability to transmit the highest consciousness transforming the way people’s DNA operates. When you step into the intentional space in my sessions, you engage in a profound process of connecting with your own soul while remembering and deepening your connection to the Divine. One of my gifts is also the ability to perceive patterns and subtle connections behind events and situations, seeing beyond the veils.
Returning from my second journey through India in April 2023 marked another deeply personal experience. For the first time in my life, I met a Guru. My encounter with him was arranged by a friend, yet a series of synchronicities led up to this meeting. The meeting with the Guru brought about a significant transformation in my life. Receiving transmissions at various sacred sites, it took me a year to integrate all the lessons and changes
from this profound journey.
I have been a certified Spinal Attunement™ practitioner since 2023 and one of the head trainers since November 2024. I was certified by
Sigourney Belle, the visionary behind Spinal Attunement & Soma Mystica. Upon completing the Spinal Attunement Training, my journey as a certified practitioner and the head trainer has profoundly transformed my life. I now experience a heightened sense of inner stability, alignment in my emotional body, and a sense of grounding in my work. This method has truly enriched my life from the inside out. I used to have chronic pain that dissolved through Spinal Attunement sessions. My capacity for holding space for myself and navigating through dense emotions has expanded, enabling me to support others more profoundly. I’m seeing my own patterns with more clarity and I have a broader perspective, akin to that of an eagle. To this day, I continue to receive regular Spinal Attunement sessions.
If you would like to train with me to become a Spinal Attunement™ practitioner, sign up for one of the 2025 trainings.
These days, I am accompanying individuals who are ready to reconnect with themselves; with their bodies, soul, intuition and wisdom on their transformational journeys. To come back home and to remember who they truly are.
My culinary path has taken a different turn as it has become more authentic to my soul’s calling. Hence nowadays, I work as a private chef and a retreat chef. One of my passions is crafting herbal rituals using flowers and Himalayan salt, along with creating tea concoctions. For over a decade, I've maintained a deep connection to the plant world, particularly the rose flower. Since childhood, the snake symbol, representing transformation and kundalini energy, has been a strong presence in my life too. Both the rose and the king cobra hold significance as they serve as shamanic wheel medicines that work through the energetic field during my sessions. The Golden Ray is the primary energy I work with in most sessions.
I currently live in Cyprus and work internationally.
Thank you for being here. I’m grateful our paths have crossed.
With love and gratitude, Kaya